Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee selects the candidates for the election of EEA officers (officers meaning elected Executive Committee members – Presidency and Council members). The EEA members then vote for these candidates in an on-line election, which takes place in early Autumn each year.

The nomination of the candidates by the Nominating Committee for the EEA officer positions is a three-round procedure. In the first one, each member of the Committee puts forward possible candidates for Vice-President and possible candidates for Council, without any specific format. The Chair reminds the Committee that their proposals contain a fair representation of candidates in terms of gender, geography and field of research. If the Chair feels that there is underrepresentation, the Chair can enlarge the list or ask the Committee members to propose more names.

Once the list is finalised, the Nominating Committee is asked to choose 3 times the number of people to be voted in as officers (therefore, 6 names for Vice-President and up to 21 names for Council).

At the final step, the Borda Count is used to rank the names and get a final list of candidates to be invited to stand for election. In case of a tie at this last step, a new round of elections takes place between the tied nominees. The Borda Count is again used in this tie-round. 

The Nominating Committee is chaired by a past president of the EEA. The EEA President, President Elect and the EEA Vice-President sit on the Committee. The EEA Council votes for 3 extra members to sit on the Nominating Committee.

The composition of the 2023 Nominating Committee (for 2024 officers) is listed below:

Kjetil Storesletten


Institution: University of Minnesota

Maristella Botticini

Maristella Botticini

Institution: Bocconi University, Milan

Davide Cantoni

Davide Cantoni

Terms in office: 2022 - 2026

Institution: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich

Jan de Loecker

Jan De Loecker

Terms in office: 2023 - 2027

Institution: KU Leuven

Jan Eeckhout

Jan Eeckhout

Institution: UPF Barcelona (ICREA-GSE)

Maria Guadalupe

Maria Guadalupe

Terms in office: 2021 - 2025

Institution: INSEAD

Hélène Rey

Helene Rey

Institution: London Business School, CEPR & NBER

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